Wednesday, 21 September 2016

The Life of a beauty pageant winner

Every girl, at some point of time in her life, has dreamed about that one moment. That one moment that changed her life. That one moment which made all the hard work count. That one moment, irrespective of who she is, that made her proud of herself. That one moment that finally made her confident about herself.
More often than not, this moment is the result of us achieving our dream, be it landing a job, or a winning a competition, or becoming famous.
For each of us, the moment is different and its effects so much more.
A Beauty Pageant is no more considered as something that only has to do with external beauty. Rather, these days, people have come to accept that a beauty pageant evaluates its participants on beauty – inside and out. A beauty pageant, these days, judges the person’s character, personality, and confidence, emotional and mental stability.
This means, that winning a beauty pageant shoots you up the ladder of success. No more are you just any other girl. You become a woman, a complete woman.
The minute you win a beauty pageant, you become someone that people love, that people trust and most importantly that people look up to.
It gives you the break you need in life to do whatever you want to.
You become someone who is much better than a normal person, and you become someone who wants to be better, who wants to be the best version of themselves.
Another effect of winning a beauty pageant is the popularity.
You are shot up the ladder, you become famous, and you become popular! As a beauty pageant winner, you get the responsibility of having to inspire other women and girls around you and being an appropriate role model to them.
But all this is nothing to worry about. Winning a pageant doesn’t change who you are! All it does is put you up on that pedestal that you have earned, worked for and won!
Do you think you are ready for the fame?
Here's your chance - Register for Miss Teen India 2016 on

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

A one-of-a-kind Beauty Pageant for Teens
Beauty pageants these days start from a very early age. Physical beauty has become a very important thing in today’s world. There seem to be pageants happening every other week in every other city for every other age group.

 Whether the increase in number of beauty pageants are for better or worse, it is a fact that between each of these age groups, a lot is different.

 Take teenagers for example, in a beauty pageant for teens, it is very important to go beyond just physical beauty. At an impressionable age like theirs, it is pivotal to not let the girls get the impression that it is only what they look like that matters. Rather, they must be taught and shown the importance of a good personality, high morals, compassion and ethical standards. Along with all this and more, it is also crucial to make them realize the importance ofarticulated, intelligent speech on everything.

 This is exactly what Miss Teen India does. We look for a lot more than just physical attributes in our contestants.

 Even more, Miss Teen India runs an academy as an attempt to help not only the pageant contestants, but  also women irrespective of their age. Our academy helps participants with their outlook towards life and starting right from their personality all the way to giving them the confidence they require to take on the world!

 Along with offering a wide range of programs, Miss Teen India makes sure to bring a positive outlook to the participants on a daily basis.

 It is very important for today’s modeling for teenagers to understand the importance of being a complete success rather than just being good at something specific. This is exactly what Miss Teen India propagates!

 If you are 18 or 19 years old girls of Indian origin, register now by logging in to